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Rescue and Protection Directorate of North Macedonia in their capacity of Chair in Office with DPPI SEE for 2024 hosted the 47 th DPPI SEE Regional meeting in Skopje on the 7th March 2024.


Participants: 23 registered participants representing all DPPI SEE member states and RCC, along with 4 participants competing in the election process for the new Head of Secretariat.

The 46.DPPI SEE Regional meeting was held in Podgorica on the 28 December in hybrid mode. During the meeting the Midterm review report on implementation of the Strategic Development Plan 2021-2025 was presented. During the last session of the agenda, the member states had the chance to discuss options for further developments of the Initiative. Organizing the new elections for the position Head of Secretariat and solving the legal status of the Secretariat are the short term priorities.


The 45th DPPI SEE Regional meeting once again joined together the member states in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the working sessions of the meeting the Annual Work Plan for 2023 was reviewed and action points agreed. We were honored to have the Minister for Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr.Nenad Nesic with us during the opening of the meeting. Among other things he expressed support for the role and the mandate of the Initiative.


The 44th DPPI SEE Regional meeting was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia in the period 25-26 October 2022. This time the Regional meeting was held back to back with the high level panel on DRR financing and the workshop on the same topic. The regional meeting was used to review the implementation of the Annual Work Plan for 2022 and prepare for the activities in 2023. In relation to the annual training program, 2022 will be completed with total number of 12 events supported and with over 230 participants attending those events.


The 43.DPPI SEE Regional meeting took place on 23-24 March in Zagreb, Croatia. It was a hybrid event with 5 delegations being physically present in Zagreb and 5 delegations following the meeting online. The meeting was hosted by the Civil Protection Directorate of Republic of Croatia in their capacity of Chair in Office with DPPI SEE for 2022.


Under the chairmanship of DG Fire Safety and Civil Protection of Republic of Bulgaria the 42nd DPPI SEE Regional meeting has been completed this week. During the first day of the meeting the achievements in 2021 were presented in accordance to DPPI SEE Strategic Development Plan 2021-2025. Although a challenging year due to COVID-19, DPPI SEE succeed to the set objectives focusing on trainings, analytical work and project management.


For the second time in a row DPPI SEE had its regional meeting online due to COVID-19. The online environment enabled record number of participation during the meeting with over 60 attendants representing national governments, international organizations, research foundations, team leaders of relevant regional projects and universities.

DPPI SEE Secretariat in coordination with the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Sector for Rescue and Protection hosted the 40th DPPI SEE regional meeting conducted online. 22 participants representing Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, N. Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey attended the online meeting.

During 21-22.11.2019 DPPI SEE held its 39th Regional meeting. The aim of this meeting was to review the Annual Work Plan for 2019, reflect on the results achieved and prepare for 2020. During the meeting the first concept of the Strategic Development Plan of DPPI SEE 2020-2024 was presented. The plan itself will be designed to enable stronger collaboration among the member states on various topics and creating partnerships. It is expected that by the end of 2019 this plan will be endorsed by the member states.
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