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DPPI SEE training on Environment and Emergencies, Skopje North Macedonia, 06-11.10.2019

Submitted by igor.martinovic on 30, Nov 2022

Disasters and complex emergencies often result in significant environmental impacts. Therefore, a key element of emergency response is the rapid identification and mitigation of environmental risks. The United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) / United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Joint Environment Unit (JEU) was established in 1994 to coordinate international response to environmental emergencies whenever international assistance is requested by affected countries. The JEU can deploy environmental experts and equipment, conduct rapid environmental assessments, and provide remote support. Depending on the type of emergency and requested assistance, the experts can be deployed as part of United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) teams or on standalone environmental emergency missions.

The Environment and Emergencies Training (EET) is organized by the JEU in partnership with DPPI SEE and the Protection and Rescue Directorate of North Macedonia as the host organization. The course builds upon the introductory sessions on environment and emergencies integrated in UNDAC Induction and Refresher courses. The training provides participants with knowledge, skills and understanding of potential environmental impacts caused by disasters and of how to apply relevant tools and approaches to minimize negative impacts to human health, livelihoods and the environment.